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Wherever we go,
Whatever we touch,
We leave a telltale sign.
On walls, on tables, on doorknobs,
Smudges that we all leave behind.

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My parents, my child,
My friends and You, Lord
Have taught me
Of another kind of touch,
Of Heartprints, that's the kind,
That mean so very much.

As I go through my day today,
I will do my best to remember,
That if I see a good thing,
That's what I need to say
And if the thought comes to me,
I need to share it.

And leave Heartprints
Not smudges,
wherever I go...

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Oh Lord, give me the grace to share
My touch with all I see,
That they may come to feel
Your hand, touching them,
Through me.

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And at the end of the day,
If just one person should feel
In some small, tiny way,
Touched by love, or kindness,
May they be moved
to share that Heartprint,
And spread Your touch
With everything they say.

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May my heart touch
My neighbors, with a smile,
An angry, hurting child, with peacefulness,
A stranger, with unexpected warmth,
And my dear friends, with love that knows
No bounds.




© 1999 Lisa M. Alekna

I was on vacation, and we took shelter from the blazing sun under a huge, twisted, tangled tree, behind an old wall. We noticed that we were sheltering in the shadow of an ancient cemetary, where the earliest settlers of that area had been buried. And there, among the tumbled, worn headstones and tangled thorns, were these beautiful pink flowers. It was like God was saying that no matter what, He will find a way to create something beautiful.

This poem is based on the idea of "random" acts of kindness. 
Yes, I know, I've seen the bumper stickers too!

Y'know, the thoughts might seem "random", but I believe that they are really inspiration - or rather "in-Spirit-ation" - impulses sent to us by the Holy Spirit - ways that we can reach out and really touch someone else. The thought may seem to enter our heads randomly, but we need to deliberately act on them. The Bible tells us that we need to "shine" "like stars in the universe" before all people, and so, through us, "all may see the glory of God". Every time we act on one of those Inspiration, we have an opportunity to give glory to God, and show love to those around us.


That's what leaving "Heartprints" is all about.
Leaving your loving "print" on the hearts of everyone around you. 

Maybe St. Francis said it best, after all:


Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon,
Where there is doubt, faith,
Where there is despair, hope,
Where there is darkness, light,
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be
consoled, as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved, as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive---
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

St. Francis used to say:

"Preach the Gospel at all times,
if necessary, use words."

That's what you do, when you leave Heartprints behind you.



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