CARL LOEWE (1796 - 1867)

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Carl Loewes Werke. Gesamtausgabe der Balladen, Legenden, Lieder und Gesänge für eine Singstimme, im Auftrage der Loeweschen Familie, herausgegeben von Max Runze. (Carl Loewe's Works.Complete Edition of the Ballads, Legends, Songs, and Arias for Solo Voice by Commission of the Loewe Family; edited by Max[imilian] Runze.)

Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, 1899-1904. In 17 Volumes.

Although Loewe composed operas, oratorios, symphonic and chamber music - most of which have remained in MS - it is his hundreds of songs for solo voice and piano, published in this 17-volume edition, that have given him an unusual place in music history. It is unusual because he used his outstanding lyric gifts most strikingly in the field of the ballad and legend (which so caught the public fancy in the Romantic era) making this genre his own remarkable domain. Slonimsky reminds us that he "was regarded by many musicians as the greatest song composer after Schubert and before Brahms."

The language of the songs is German, but Loewe drew from as many nationality sources of knightly romances, heroic sagas, and folk fables as caught his fancy: English, Scotch, Nordic, French, Spanish, Oriental, and so on. This rich variety was matched by his choice of poets among whom were Shakespeare, Anacreon, Goethe (whom he knew), Heine, Herder, and Rückert. His songs, "Erlkönig," "Hochzeitslied," and "Edward," are considered among his masterpieces.

1  Lieder aus der jugendzeit. Kinderlieder. (Songs of Youth. Children Songs) 
   (66 Songs)
2  Bisher unveröffentliche Lieder, Gesänge, Romanzen und 
   Balladen (Previously unpublished Songs, etc.) (53 Songs)
3  Balladen nationalen Gepräges (Scottish and English Ballads. 
   Nordic Ballads) (13 Songs)
4  Balladen nationalen Gepräges: Die deutschen Kaiserballaden 
   (German Emperor Ballads) (18 Songs)
5  Balladen und Gesänge nationalen Gepräges 
   (Hohenzollern-Balladen und Lieder. Vaterländische Lieder) 
   (19 Songs)
6  Französische, spanische und orientalische Balladen und 
   Gesänge (French, Spanish, and Oriental Ballads and Songs) 
   (24 Songs)
7  Die polnischen Balladen (The Polish Ballads) (8 Works)
8  Geisterballaden und Gedichte, Todes-und Kirchhofs-Bilder (Ghost Ballads 
   and Poems, Graveyard Images) (19 Songs)
9  Sagen, Märchen, Fabeln. Aus Tier-und Blumenwelt. (Sagas, Tales, 
   and Fables. From the World of Animals and Flowers) (18 Songs)
10 Romantische Balladen aus dem höfischen wie bürgerlichen 
   Leben. Bilder aus Land und See. (Romantic Ballads from Court and Town 
   Life. Images from Land and Sea.) (23 Songs)
11 Goethe und Loewe, Part 1; Songs and Ballads. (39 Songs) (Volumes 11 
   and 12 contain Runze's treatise, "Goethe und Loewe."  
12 Goethe und  Loewe, Part IL Songs in the Grand Style, and Odes, Grand 
   Legends and Ballads. (12 Songs)   
13 Legends, Part 1: Die eigentliche Legendenperiode (13 Songs) (Volumes 13 
   and 14 contain Runze's "Die musikalische Legende.")  
14 Legends, Part II: Vereinzelte Legenden, Spätere Legendenperioden 
   (19 Songs)  
15 Lyrische Fantasien, Allegorien, Hymnen und Gesänge. Hebräische 
   Gesänge. (Lyrical Fantasies, Allegories, Hymns, and Songs. Hebrew 
   Songs.) (38 Songs)  
16 Das Loewesche Lied (114 Songs)
17 Liederkreise (Song Cycles): Der Heinische Liederkreis, Serb. Liederkreis, 
   Frauenlicbe, Rückerts Gedichte. etc. (64 Songs). Also includes indexes 
   (2) of complete songs.

   3,154 pages 
   Complete Microfiche Reprint...................$100.00

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