VIMUG's Library


April 1997 CD of the Month

Apple Vision 1.0.2, Apple CD-Rom 5.0.4, Apple IIe, Avid Cinema 1.1

CD-Rom Software 5.3.2, QuickTake for PowerMac 1.0, OT 1.1, OT/PPP 1.0

MacPPP 2.5, Fetch 3.03, Eudora Lite 3.0, MacTCP 2.0.6, MegaPhone 1.0.2

Telephone Manager 2.0, Apple Phone, Apple Memory Guide 1.3

LaserWriter 8.4.1, Color SW 1500 2.2.1, Color SW 2500 2.2.1.

Midi Management Tools 2.0.2, Graphics Accelerator 1.0.7, Apple Share Setup

Adobe Acrobat Reader 2.1, Apple Doc Viewer 1.1.1, Apple HD SC Setup 7.3.5

Apple Spec DataBase, Apple Spec App, System Profiler 1.0.7

Color Sync 2.0, Disk Copy 6.1, Disk First Aid 7.2.2, Disk Image, Drive Setup 1.2

Document Converter 1.0.4, HyperCard Player 2.3.5, Mac Basics 5.0.3, Mac Tutorial

Macs Bug 6.5.5, Mouse Basics 4.5, Movie Player 2.5, ResEdit 2.1.3, SCSI Probe

QuickTime 2.5, QuickTime MPEG 2 Extension, QuickTime VR, Simple Sounds 1.0

and MORE!


March 1997 Disk of the Month

Stack Player 2.2, FlashCard 1.1


February 1997 Disk of the Month

InformInit, Snapz Pro 1.0.0, UltraFind 2.5


January 1997 Disk of the Month

BBEdit Lite 4.0, TechTool v1.1.1, Stuffit Expander 4.0.1,Macintosh essentials, PowerPC Interrupt Extension, Gauge Series

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