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Peter Cornelius Musical Works. (Erste Gesamtausgabe im Auftrageseiner Familie herausgegeben von Max Hasse und Waldemar von Baussnern.)

In 5 large volumes. Published at Leipzig, 1905-1906.

Cornelius, who at various times in his career was an actor, a champion of Liszt and Wagner, and a frequent contributor to the Neue Zeitschrift für Musik, is best known for his masterpiece, the comic opera, The Barber of Baghdad (1858 ). Of significant literary talent, he wrote his own libretti and poetry and was an excellent translator. His songs, choruses, and other vocal works have remained undeservedly neglected outside Germany where he is highly regarded. Fortunately, there has b een a revival of interest in his music. The re-issue of the 5-volume Musical Works should help to sustain that interest.

1	Solo Songs with Piano. 78 songs in German with English 
	translation throughout; 12 pages of introduction.
2   	Songs for Mixed Voices, Duets, Male Chorus and Mixed Chorus 
	(56 works) German and English text. Poetry of Chamisso, 
	Shakespeare, Eichendorff, Heine, Cornelius, et. al. 
3   	Barber of Baghdad, Opera in 2 Acts. Full score. German text. 
	Libretto by Cornelius. 
4   	Der Cid. Lyric Drama in 3 Acts. Full score. Libretto by the composer.  
5   	Gunloed, Opera in 3 Acts. Full score. Completed and orchestrated by von Baussnern.

   1,746 pages
   Complete Microfiche Reprint ....................$90.00

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