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Published under the editorship of Henry Expert (1863-1952) and based on the most authentic manuscripts and best printed editions of the 16th century. Included are variants, historical and critical notes. The transcriptions are in modern notation. Some of the scores have reductions for the keyboard.

While the work comprises 23 volumes, this reprint includes Section 2 of this title, the so-called Bibliographie thèmatique (see contents below) which is found missing in most libraries. 23 volumes. Published by A. Leduc, Paris, 1894-1908.

1	Lasso, Orlando di. Les meslanges d'Orlande de Lassus. Fasc. 1. (1894).
2,4,6	Goudimel, Claude, Les 150 pseaumes de David. 3v. (1895-1897).
3,18-19.Costeley, Guillaume. Musique de Guillaume Costeley. 3v. 1896-1904.
4	See Vol. 2.
5	Attaingnant, Pierre. Trent et une chansons musicales. 
	(Attaingnant 1529). 1897. (Contains compositions by Claudin de Sermisy, 
	Consilium, Courtoys, Deslouges, Dulot,.Gascongne, Hesdin, Jacotin, 
	Jannequin, Lombart, Sohier, Vermont, et anonymes).
6	See Vol. 2.
7	Jannequin, Clèment. Chansons de maistre Clèment 
	Jannequin. (1898)
8	Liber quindecim missarum. Brumel: Missa De Beata Virgine. De La Rue: 
	Missa Ave Maria.
9	Liber quindecim missarum. Mouton: Missa Alma Redemptoris. Fevim: 
	Missa Mente Tota.
10	Mauduit, Jacques. Chansonnettes mesurées de Jan Antoine de 
	Baïf. 1899.
11	Le Jeune, Claude. Dodecacorde. Fasc. 1. 1900.
12-14	Le Jeune, Claude. Le printemps. 3v. 1900-1901. 39 works.
15	Regnard, Francois. Poésies de P. de Ronsard. 1902.
16	Le Jeune, Claude. Mélanges. Fasc. 1. 1903.
17	Du Caurroy, Eustache, Sieur de St. Fremin, Mélanges. Fasc. 1. 
	1903. 20 works.
18-19	See Vol. 3. 18-21 works.
20-22	Le Jeune, Claude. Pseaumes en vers mezurez. 3v. 1905-6. 27 works.
23	Gervaise, Claude. Danceries. Vol. 1. 1908.
 (Two volumes only were published of a planned set of 15 volumes. Published 
by A. Leduc, Paris, 1900.)
3	Trente et une chansons musicales a quatre parties. Paris,
	 Attaingnant ( 1529).
8	Trente et sept chansons musicales a quatre parties. Paris,
	Attaingnant (1528-30?).

   2,283 pages
   Complete Microfiche Reprint...................$120.00

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