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More than 1250 people attended the United Planning Organization's 18th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Breakfast held on Monday, January 21, 2002. The Breakfast featured as keynote speaker the noted Rev. Lewis M. Anthony, Pastor of Wesley AME Zion Church of Washington, DC. Proceeds from UPO's Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Breakfast are applied to the UPO/Joseph A. Beavers Scholarship Fund.

 Click here for scenes from UPO 18th Annual Martin Luther Jr., Memorial Breakfast

Keynoters speakers in order of appearence
Rev. Thomas Skinner - 1985 *
Rev. Lewis Anthony - 1986
Wiley Branton, Esq. - 1987 *
Elane Jones, Esq. - 1988
Honorable Charles Rangel - 1989
Vernon Jordan, Esq. - 1990
Thomas Todd, Esq. - 1991
Honorable William Gray - 1992
Rev. Dr. Benjamin Hooks - 1993
Ms. Marion Wright-Edelman - 1994
Elaine Jones, Esq. - 1995
Rev. Jesse Jackson - 1996
Rev. Dr, H. Beecher Hicks, Jr. - 1997
Bryan A. Stevens, Esq. - 1998
Rev. Barbara Williams Skinner - 1999
Randall Robinson, Esq. - 2000
Rev. Dr. Alvin O. Jackson - 2001
Rev. Lewis M. Anthony - 2002
= deceased

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