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The UPO Quantum Opportunity Program is an intense comprehensive intervention project that is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor and the District of Columbia Department of Employment Services. The main goal is to lower the drop-out rate among students using innovative techniques.

The program, which targets 80 students (called associates) at various D.C. area high schools, focuses on preparing the students for college, trade schools, military as well as apprenticeship type activities. QOP's major objective is to enable program participants to master the materials in each grade in high school and earn a high school diploma. The program also works to help participants avoid behaviors that often become barriers.

QOP associates recently visited several college/universities along the U.S. east coast with a keen eye toward possibly enrolling at one of the institutions. Universities visited included, Howard in Washington, DC, as well as many North Carolina based institutions such as North Carolina A&T, Elon College, and St. Agustines. Other universities included Shaw University, North Carolina Central, and UNC at Greensboro. While visiting the universities, QOP associates learned what is required of them academically.

Associates recently participated in the Summer Works Program funded by the DC Department of Employment Services. Many QOP Associates also visited Virginia Beach, Virginia as well as a Youth Empowerment tour to New York.

Ms. Rhonda Muse, coordinates QOP:
(202) 289-9100, ext. 311


QOP Associates prepare to hear recruitment speech from university official.


QOP Associates fill out necessary forms during college trip.


UPO Main - What is UPO? - Corporate - Communications - UPO Programs - UPO Network - Special Activities

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Washington, DC 20024-2610