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Emergency services are an important part of the United Planning Organization. In the year 1983, UPO created a unit that provides emergency food supplies to residents who find themselves without any means of providing proper nourishment for themselves and their children. Once called the Crisis Response Center, the unit, now termed the Community Resource Center (CRP), works in a very unique manner. CRP uses its special on-site warehouse to store emergency food supplies for distribution to accredited UPO and non-UPO sites. CRP then delivers emergency food to the requesting centers via its own specialized vehicle. CRP also provides assistance and referrals to customers.

Since 1983, UPO has delivered more than 1,238,600 pounds of emergency food to citywide neighborhood sites - food that ultimately made its way to those who are truly in need. Two UPO staffer work to make certain the public's needs are served.

Cynthia Johnson is coordinator of CRP:
(202) 289-9100, ext. 229
Email: crp1@upo.org


UPO Main - What is UPO? - Corporate - Communications - UPO Programs - UPO Network - Special Activities


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