UPO Main - What is UPO? - Corporate - Communications - UPO Programs - UPO Network - Special Activities

Below is a brief telephone directory to some UPO staff telephone/fax numbers, and e-mail addresses. You may call, fax, or email these individuals with your program questions and concerns between the hours of 8:45 AM and 5:00 PM U.S. eastern standard time, Mondays through Fridays. If you don't see a particular person listed, please call (202) 238-4600. Follow the voice prompts or dial -0- (zero) for the UPO operator.

Unless otherwise noted, all addresses are:
United Planning Organization
301 Rhode Island Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001-1826
UPO's informational email address is: info@upo.org, the agency's Public Awareness Office.

Mr. Benjamin Jennings, Executive Director
(202) 238-4600, ext. 692
E-Mail:c/o dbooker@upo.org

Ms. Gladys Mack, Deputy Executive Director
(202) 238-4600, ext. 690
E-Mail: gmack@upo.org

Ms. Monica Scott Beckham, General Counsel
(202) 238-4600, ext. 702
E-Mail: mbeckham@upo.org

Mr. M. Amin Kakeh, Controller
(202) 238-4600, ext. 643
E-Mail: akakeh@upo.org
Payroll E-Mail: c/o agray@upo.org

Accounting E-Mail: dquashie@upo.org

Ms. Theresa Howe Jones, Public Policy Analyst
(202) 238-4600, ext. 707
E-Mail: tjones@upo.org

Ms. Cheryl Christmas, External Affairs
(202) 238-4600, ext 701
E-Mail: cchristmas@upo.org

Dr. Larry DeNeal, Special Assistant to Exec. Dir.
(202) 238-4600
E-Mail: ldeneal@upo.org

Ms. Doris Stashenko, Manager, Evaluation
(202) 238-4600, ext. 749
E-Mail: dstashenko@upo.org

Evaluation E-Mail: mkoiwai@upo.org

Mr. Harvey N. Johnson III, Public Awareness Director
(202) 238-4600, ext. 696
E-Mail: hjohnson@upo.org

Ms. Ganna Grinsphun, Director, Office of Technology
(202) 238-4600, ext. 660
E-mail: mis@upo.org

Mr. William D. Hughey, Director, Office of Preschool & Day Care
(202) 238-4600, ext. 773

Ms. Vanessa Rawls, Director, Office of Community Prog.
(202) 238-4600, ext. 334 - FAX (202) 289-2640
E-Mail: vrawls@upo.org

Mr. Robert Richardson, Director, Office of Human Resources
(202) 238-4600, ext. 617

Mr. Wayne Thompson, Director, Office of Operations
(202) 238-4600, ext. 317
E-Mail: wthompson@upo.org

Ms. Lester Monica Wynn, Director, Special Operations
2601 18th Street, N.E.- Washington, D.C. 20018
(202) 635-8866 - FAX (202) 635-2087

Ms. Elizabeth Bacot, Coordinator, Senior Citizens Minor Home Repair
(202) 238-4600, ext. 714 - FAX (202) 314-2216

Ms. Thelma Brown, Chief, UPO Petey Greene Center
3640 MLK Avenue, S.E. - Washington, D.C. 20032
(202) 562-3800 - FAX (202) 562-2937

Mr. Robert Durham, Concept Design
(202) 238-4600, ext. 712

Ms. Jo Ann Featherson, MSW, Coordinator Shelter-Plus Care
(202) 238-4600, ext. 656

Ms. Shirley Fisher, Coordinator, Substance Abuse Program &
Program Dir. Community Transition Prog.
(202) 238-4600, ext. 615

Ms. Priscilla G. Francis, Chief, UPO NDC #1
1726 7th Street, N.W. - Washington, D.C. 20001
(202) 462-6401 - FAX: (202) 234-3216

Ms. Cynthia Johnson, Coordinator, Community Resource Prog.
(202) 238-4600, ext. 629
E-mail: cjohnson@upo.org

Mr. Sidney Lewis, Coordinator, Call -N- Ride Program
2601 18th St., N.E. - Washington, D.C. 20018
(202) 635-8866 - FAX: (202) 635-2087

Ms. Nona M. McLean, Chief, Institutional Services
(202) 238-4600, ext. 601
E-Mail: nmclean@upo.org

Mr. Walter C. Murray, Manager, Institutional Services
(202) 238-4600, ext. 631 - FAX (202) 289-2640
E-mail: wmurray@upo.org

Ms. Rhonda Muse, Coordinator, OuantumOpportunity
(202) 238-4600, ext. 711
E-Mail: rmuse@upo.org

Ms. Shirley Price, Chief, UPO Anacostia Center
2124 MLK Avenue, S.E. - Washington, D.C. 20020
(202) 610-0466 - FAX (202) 678-6578

Ms. Olivia Powell, Coordinator, Senior Citizens Weekend Nutrition Program
(202) 238-4600, ext. 627

Ms. Eulalia Ross, Head, Early Childhood Dev. Ctr. Div.
(202) 238-4600, ext. 681

Mr. Charles D. Ramsey, Resource Development
(202) 238-4600, ext. 710

Mr. Vincent Rucker, Research
(202) 238-4600, ext. 721
E-Mail: vrucker@upo.org

Ms. Marie Sharp, Manager, TANF Program
(202) 238-4600, ext. 711
E-mail: sharp@upo.org

Ms. Theresa Shivers, Chief, Health Maintenance & Special Needs Branch
(202) 238-4600, ext. 680
E-mail: tshivers@upo.org

Mr. James Speight Jr., Clinic Manager, Comprehensive Treatment Program
(202) 535-1097

Ms. Josephine Thompson, Coordinator, Board of Trustees
(202) 238-4600, ext. 704

Ms. Eva M. Toney, Coordinator, Youth Programs
(202) 238-4600, ext. 741
E-Mail: etoney@upo.org

Ms. Mary Walker, Chief, Employment/Benefits Specialist
(202) 238-4600, ext. 754
E-Mail: mwalker@upo.org

Ms. Bonnie Wise, Chief, Family Support Services Intake Br.
(202) 238-4600, ext. 685

Mr. Joseph Wood, Coordinator, Employment & Training
(202) 238-4600, ext. 635

UPO Main - What is UPO? - Corporate - Communications - UPO Programs - UPO Network - Special Activities

 E-Mail: info@upo.org

301 Rhode island Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001-1826