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One of today's major issues involves former AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children) recipients. Rather than simply abandoning them, many localities have embarked upon a trail of self-sufficiency for its participants. UPO, working in partnership with Lockheed-Martin, is moving ahead to provide TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) recipients with the necessary tools needed in today's workplace.


TANF participants attend special UPO orientation
sessions to prepare them for world of work.


Many success stories abound including a UPO TANF/Welfare-to-Work participant recently cited in a Washington Post article on the public's concern about airline service. The author mentioned his positive experience with an airport security personnel who is a graduate of UPO's program. Several security workers at area airports came out of the UPO activity.

UPO Main - What is UPO? - Corporate - Communications - UPO Programs - UPO Network - Special Activities


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Washington, DC 20024-2610