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A community action agency as diverse as UPO needs an effective transportation network in order to effectively serve the public. UPO maintains a rich and unique transportation system that operates throughout the city providing specialized services to residents.

Most visible is the Washington Elderly Handicapped Transportation Service (WEHTS), an exciting program that sprang-to-life in 1982. WEHTS is a basic life-support transportation for DC senior citizens that transports them on short runs for doctor's appointments, medical treatment, and for certain other transportation needs. Funded by the District of Columbia Office on Aging, WEHTS staff members transport participants to and from medical appointments, group grocery shopping, and some personal business that is related to housing and income. WEHTS serves more than 500 customers per day.
The WEHTS system also transports seniors to and from five geriatric day care centers and two nutrition sites. Other trips include scheduled transportation to and from appointments dealing with social security matters, housing, and food stamp offices.
All WEHTS services are free of charge to seniors. The program can however accept voluntary contributions from participants. No one is turned away because of an inability to contribute. WEHTS operates Mondays through Fridays 7 AM to 6:30 PM.

Home Delivered Meals are delivered to senior citizens residing in most of the city's wards. UPO transportation picks-up food from Nutrition Incorporated, a meal preparation service located in southeast Washington, and delivers more than 750 meals daily to D.C. senior citizens. The program runs five days per week and transverses most of the city's streets. Each UPO van includes a driver and jumper who physically takes meals to the home or apartment.

Taking advantage of a respected citywide transportation resource was the aim in developing a Call -n- Ride program exclusively for senior citizens. Call -n- Ride uses the city's taxicab industry to transport seniors who have signed-up for the program. Through Call-n-Ride, more than 250 seniors per month pay a reduced amount for their taxicab trips. Call -n- Ride operates seven-days per week.

Using its fleet of safe and sound school buses, UPO transportation picks-up and returns some day care children who must use some form of therapy. The agency also uses its fleet of vans, trucks, and buses to transport food from the U.S. Senate Cafeteria to Martha's Table, a local provider of services to homeless families and children.

Ms. Lester Monica Wynn is director of UPO Special Operations (WEHTS and others):
(202) 635-8866 FAX (202) 635-2087.

Sidney Lewis is coordinator of Call -n- Ride:
(202) 635-8866 FAX (202) 635-2087.

UPO Main - What is UPO? - Corporate - Communications - UPO Programs - UPO Network - Special Activities


401 M Street, SW - Suite 200
Washington, DC 20024-2610