GERBERT, MARTIN (1720-1793)

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The four great works of Gerbert, Prince-Abbot of St. Blasien Monastery, presented here in one collection.

De Cantu et Musica Sacra a Prima Ecclesiae
2 volumes. 1,400 pages. Plates. Published at St. Blasien in 1774.

Vetus liturgia alemannica
2 volumes. L and 1,064 pages. Published in 1776.

Monumenta veteris liturgiae alemannicae
2 volumes. 898 pages. Published 1777-79.

Scriptores ecclesiastici de musica sacra potissimum
3 volumes. 1,166 pages. Published in 1784.
Four works in 9 volumes totalling over 4,600 pages.

De cantu covers sacred music from its beginnings to the 18th century and remains one of the most valuable source-books for the study of music history, particularly of medieval sacred music.

The monographs on German liturgical music were written between the Cantu and the Scriptores and still serve modern readers as a rich source of documentation.

The Scriptores contains the texts of more than 40 medieval music theorists, among them: Cassiodorus, Isidorus, Hucbald, Odo, Guido, the Abbes of Reichenau, Scholasticus, Salomo, et al. Since its first publication, this work has remained the cornerstone to the study of the music theory of the middle ages.

4,600 pages
Complete Microfiche Reprint............$150.00

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