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Local Law Firm Displays its Community Spirit

It was a pleasant surprise when word circulated around the agency that the highly respected national law firm of Banner & Witcoff, Ltd, wanted to donate to the TANF program several dozen very large boxes filled with high quality clothing.

Leslie A. Johnson, executive director of Edward C. Mazique Parent Child Center, William D. Hughey, director of UPO's Office of Preschool and Day Care, and Robert Altherr, partner with Banner & Witcoff Law Firm.

Thus, on August 30, 2000, representatives of the firm formally presented the quality clothing to the agency as several TANF customers looked on with enthusiasm.

Banner and Witcoff, Ltd., was represented by attorney Robert Alther, who formally presented the clothing to William Hughey, director of the Office of Preschool and Day Care. Also on hand was Michael McGrady, deputy director of the National Head Start Association who introduced the law firm and provided background information. Along with William Hughey, Bonnie Wise, chief of the Family Support Services and Intake Branch, who helped coordinate the event, thanked the law firm for their dedication and support of UPO activities.

Banner and Whitcoff now allows all its staff and associates to wear casual clothing during the normal work day five days per week. Therefore, according to Mr. Alther, the company asked staff attorneys to donate their suits to the cause. By all indications, the donations have found good use as some TANF customers have already found employment thanks in part to their new fashions.

Banner and Witcoff, Ltd. maintains offices in Chicago, Boston, Portland, Oregon, and Washington, DC.


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Published by the Public Information Office
United Planning Organization
401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20024

President: Russell D. Simmons
Executive Director: Benjamin Jennings
Writer/Editor: Harvey N. Johnson III

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