UPO Main - What is UPO? - Corporate - Communications - UPO Programs - UPO Network - Special Activities

UPO publishes a quarterly newsletter (with added special editions) to inform the public about agency programs and services. The "UPO REPORTER" not only contains informative articles about ongoing programmatic activities but spotlights new initiatives as well. The "UPO REPORTER," distributed nationally, is written and edited by the agency's Public Awareness Office. To read editions of the UPO Reporter, click on below links.

The following issues of the UPO Reporter are in the .pdf format. You need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader already installed onto your computer in order to both view and print these newsletters. If you don't already have Acrobat, get it by clicking on the Adobe link below - then return here once you've installed the Acrobat program.


Click here for October 2002 issue


Click here for March 2002 Issue - Volume 15, Number 1

Click here for November 2001 Issue - Volume 14, Number 3
The following issues of the UPO Reporter are in the .pdf format.
You need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader already installed onto your computer in order to both view and print these newsletters. If you don't already have Acrobat, get it by clicking on the Adobe link below - then return here once you've installed the program.

Previous UPO Reporter Issues - Acrobat not required...

Click here for May 2001 Issue - Volume 14, Number 1

Click here for December 2000 Issue - Volume 13, Number 4

Click here for August 2000 Issue - Volume 13, Number 3


Click here for Volume 13, Number 2

Click here for Volume 13, Number 1

Click here for Volume 12, Number 2



UPO Main - What is UPO? - Corporate - Communications - UPO Programs - UPO Network - Special Activities

 E-Mail: upoinfo@erols.com

401 M Street, SW - Suite 200
Washington, DC 20024-2610