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Comprehensive Outpatient Treatment

Recent press reports of a popular Hollywood actor who has since fallen back into the world of narcotics, clearly displayed to the world that drug abuse is a disease and must be treated accordingly. For if a wealthy and popular figure can be overcome by addiction, then the average person is also at risk.

To help curb the trend of drug abuse and to assist those who are now addicted, UPO, in partnership with the District of Columbia Government, recently received a major contract from the DC Department of Health, Addiction Prevention and Recovery Administration to maintain and operate a comprehensive treatment program for drug users and their families.

This is a unique opportunity for UPO and proof that the DC government maintains faith and trust in the community action movement.

The contract is for $1.74 million the first year and more than $7.4 million should the activity be extended for the entire five-year duration. Once more information is gleaned, UPO may also develop related programs needed by the community.

This medically-based program, termed UPO Comprehensive Treatment Center, includes drug use prevention, primary health care, as well as drug abuse treatment services, with access to secondary tertiary services.

The ultimate goal is to strengthen individual clients’ motivation and allow them to enter and remain in treatment for a longer period by utilizing a coordinated network of services, linkages, and programs. These programs are all aimed toward improving health care access and availability while enabling intravenous drug abusers to enhance their self-esteem and live a productive life.

A compliment of highly skilled and capable employees will staff the new program. James T. Speight, a veteran in the health/community action field, serves as Clinical Director. Mr. Speight’s more than 30-years experience, mainly in health related projects, allows him to bring a wealth of knowledge to the operation. Dr. Edwin Chapman, MD, has more than 25-years experience serving as a primary health care physician. Also on staff are Treatment Counseling Supervisor Jonathan Alston, LPC, and Nursing Supervisor Fendai Follie-Faboe, RN.

According to Mr. Speight, the program will serve 410 customers in cooperation with their families. Persons 21 years or older are served, all coming from diverse backgrounds. Ratio between men and women is expected to be 60-percent (men) 40-percent (women).

Surveys indicate there are more than 2,500 District of Columbia families in need of this service. UPO and its network of organizations have the potential to help a large segment of customers become non-dependent on drugs, reduce the rate of HIV and hepatitis C, become self-sufficient, and improve the quality of life in the city which is achieved by making neighborhoods safer places especially for the children.
DC Mayor Anthony Williams has set several goals for his administration and this UPO activity ranks near the top.

Meanwhile, a formal grand opening which will include the Mayor, City Councilmembers, federal and UPO officials, as well as local citizens is set for February 2001.


Back to 12/2000 Issue index page for more articles

Published by the Public Information Office
United Planning Organization
401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20024

President: Russell D. Simmons
Executive Director: Benjamin Jennings
Writer/Editor: Harvey N. Johnson III

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