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Take a cadre of caring committed individuals, add the concept of the community action movement, and you’ll no doubt end-up with staff members who exhibit an intense concern for many of our city’s less fortunate residents.

Such was the case when UPO sponsored an October 20 “Length of Service Awards Luncheon” that celebrated staff who have served UPO for more than a quarter century. A capacity crowd of board members, current and former employees as well agency friends filled the banquet room of the popular Phillips Seafood Restaurant, located on the beautiful Potomac River, to help UPO celebrate the event which hailed the achievements of the latest group of employees who have achieved such distinction.

Initiated by Executive Director Benjamin Jennings and planned by staffers Darlene L. Booker, Cynthia Y. Johnson, Deputy Executive Director Gladys W. Mack, and Dr. June W. McCarron, this was the third such event in recent years, quite an accomplishment for an organization that’s been around since late 1962.

In a display of its support of UPO staff, the DC City Council presented to the recipients a Proclamation signed by all Councilmembers. The 25-year veterans also received a U.S. Savings Bond compliments of the agency.

UPO has a record of keeping employees on board for many years. Surveys indicate that staff longevity virtually always benefits an organization’s overall operation.

Meanwhile, plans are now underway for the next staff 25-year celebration which will take place soon. If past Board, management and staff enthusiasm is any indication, the next event should be even better.

Back to 12/2000 Issue index page for more articles

Published by the Public Information Office
United Planning Organization
401 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20024

President: Russell D. Simmons
Executive Director: Benjamin Jennings
Writer/Editor: Harvey N. Johnson III

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 E-Mail: upoinfo@erols.com

401 M Street, SW - Suite 200
Washington, DC 20024-2610