Historical Anthologies of Music (Music Scores)

ARCHIVES DES MAÎTRES DE L'ORGUE DES XVIe, XVIIe, et XVIIIe SIÉCLES(Organ Masters of the 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries). Paris, 1898-1910. Editors: A. Guilmant and A. Pirro. After manuscripts and authentic editions with annotations and adaptations for modern organ. In 10 volumes, 2,182 pages.-- $110.00

L'ARTE MUSICALE IN ITALIA. Italian musical works from the 14th to 18th centuries. Edited by L. Torchi. Published in Rome and Milan, 1897-1908. In 7 volumes, 2,572 pages.-- $90.00

DENKMÄLER DEUTSCHER TONKUNST. (DDT) (Monuments of German Music). First Series, Leipzig, 1892-1931 with revisions. Editors: Seiffert, J. Wolf, K. Nef, H. Leichentritt, and others under the editorial leadership of von Liliencron, H. Kretschmar, Abert, and A. Schering. In 65 volumes and 2 supplements totaling over 11,000 pages.-- $590.00

DENKMÄLER DER TONKUNST IN ÖSTERREICH. (DTÖ) (Monuments of Austrian Music). Vienna, 1894-1938. Covers five centuries of music in Austria. Editors include: G. Adler, Haberl, Wolf, Einstein, Nettl, Gal, Geiringer, among others. In 83 volumes totaling 12,000 pages.-- $680.00

LES MAÎTRES MUSICIENS DE LA RENAISSANCE FRANÇAISE (Master Musicians of the French Renaissance). Paris, 1894-1908. Editor: Henry Expert. From manuscripts and printed editions of the 16th century. Transcriptions in modern notation. Some scores with reductions for keyboards. In 23 volumes with two additional volumes of Bibliographie Thématique. Total of 2,283 pages.-- $120.00

MUSICAL ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS. LONDON, 1840-1848. This collection, gathered from manuscripts and part-books, contains many works printed in its day for the first time. Editors and Society members included Edward Rimbault and Sir George Smart. In 19 volumes. A total of 2,356 pages.-- $110.00

PUBLIKATIONEN ÄLTERER PRAKTISCHER UND THEORETISCHER MUSIK-WERKE. Published in Berlin, Leipzig and other cities, 1873-1905, by the Gesellschaft für Musikforschung. Editor: Robert Eitner with contributing editors. Covers music and music literature mainly of the 15th and 16th centuries. Includes works by DesPres, Walter, Caccini, Cavalli, Praetorius, Agricola, et al. In 29 volumes, 4,853 pages.-- $225.00

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