Joe Pitts was first elected to Congress in 1996, and is serving his third term. He replaced Congressman Bob Walker. He represents Pennsylvania's 16th district which includes most of Lancaster County and part of Chester County, ranging east from the Dutch Country through the small towns and spreading suburbs of greater Philadelphia. He Co-Chairs the Silk Road Caucus with Senator Sam Brownback. The Caucus seeks to promote Central Asia and the Caucasus in Congress. "I've been to Central Asia and the Caucasus and have seen the enormous potential of these countries," said Congressman Pitts. "America needs to reach out to them and welcome them into the family of nations. Economic prosperity, the growth of democracy, and the establishment of the rule of law in these states is essential for regional stability and U.S. national security. The Silk Road nations also lay in an energy rich region and its natural resources are for the most part untapped. The people are hungry for democracy and economic prosperity, and there is a great desire to work with the U.S. and have a U.S. presence in the region. The current war on terrorism has shown us the strategic importance of the region as well." Congressman Pitts serves on the International Relations Committee and two if its subcommittees; International Operations and Human Rights, as well as Middle East and South Asia. Congressman Pitts grew up in Kentucky, joined the Air Force after college, served three tours of duty and flew 116 B-52 combat missions in Vietnam. He then became a math and science teacher and later owned a nursery. He was elected to the Pennsylvania House in 1972. In 1989 he became chairman of the Appropriations Committee, where he went to great lengths to balance the budget. |